Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hidden Messages.... in songs.. девочка

Seems math didn't work out so well for some.... ... maybe the video part got in the way.. we all know how carl gets with his asian anime.. hmmm... so lets make the video a non issue.. forget math... and see if it spells it out any easier....

and for bostick... lets make this especially easy for you..

а двумя зайцами погонишься... ни одного не поймаешь... В каждой шутке есть доля правды... И волки сыты.... и овцы целы

now i know after you read that you figured it out it wasn't you.. but i know you'll keep it to yourself while everyone figures it out...

There once was a man from kan-sass

Who's nuts were made out of brassss...

in stormy weather...

he'd clack them together.....

and lightning shot out of his ass......


Blogger JBoombostick said...

a two hares saying ... no catch ... In every joke there is truth ... And wolves eat .... sheep and intact

6:11 PM  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

As usual. I'm completely lost.

6:55 PM  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

(check this out)

SO, two rabbits are sitting in the woods when one says to the other...

"Hey Sam, what's the wolf suit for?"

"Well, it just so happens I'm on the lamb."

"Runnin' from the law huh? Well, sorry to hear that... that sucks for you."

The rabbits sit in silence for some time and chew on their blades of grass when the second one says:

"Hey Harve?"
"Yea Sam?"
"What's the worst part about eating vegetables."
"No clue. What is it?"

"The Wheelchair."

7:34 PM  
Blogger JBoombostick said...


8:37 PM  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

You like that Bostick? Good. here's another.

Three southern ladies are sittin' together on the back porch drinking lemonade when they realize each of their husbands nicknames are "Bubba."

They decide it would be best to name their Bubbas differently so's they could tell which was talking about who.
They agree to name their Bubbas after popular soda pops.

The first lady says "I'm gonna name my Bubba 7 UP."
The ladies respond by asking her why, and she says "Cause he's 7 inches and always up for me."

The second lady says "I'm gonna name my Bubba Mountain Dew."

Again, they ask why... and she replies "Because he's built like a mountain and I loooove ta do him."

Then the third lady thinks for awhile... then finally says "I think I'm gonna name MY Bubba Jack Daniels."

So the first lady says "Wait, Jack Daniels... thats not a soda pop, that's a hard liquor!"

To which the third lady says "Yup... Thats my Bubba!"

9:18 PM  
Blogger Helskel said...


...wait, now what?

10:07 AM  
Blogger JBoombostick said...

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I love redneck jokes!!

What up H! WOOT WOOT!

4:03 PM  
Blogger Roxi said...

ohohohohohoh I have a great joke for you..


girl goes up to her dad and says " dad I need a new prom dress"

dad says" alright, give me a blow job and I will buy you your new dress."

Girl gives dad the blow job and says " Dad.. Your penis tastes like crap!"

dad says

" Yeah your brother needed a new tux."

I think I just made myself throw up.

1:55 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

I have new photos up and they are absolutely lovely.


Stephanie (aka Monkey's hand)

10:48 AM  
Blogger Johnny Menace said...

saw the pictures and i would have to say that you are absolutely stretching it by calling them lovely...

which hand?

3:55 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

The hand up his ass.

The photos aren't of me... in case you were confused and to be honest, I don't think they are lovely either. They entertain me though. Consider me entertained.

4:42 PM  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

If I consider you, do I have to address you that way?

7:11 PM  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

I, for one, enjoy the photos and must say that I do that very same thing for a small price of $449.99.

I do accept payment plans, though the interest would kill you.

For you though, Menace, I'd do it for free.

7:13 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Dearest Emma,

I've always admired your entrepreneurial spirit. You can call me "Highly Entertained", but that wouldn't be accurate, as I've already grown bored with the game. I share these photos with you because I knew with your background knowledge, you would appreciate them more than most.

Have a fabulous week.

All the best,
Monkey's backbone

4:39 AM  
Blogger Helskel said...

right, gotcha, definitely...


10:30 AM  
Blogger Everything Nice said...


You have no idea how much I respect your ability to know exactly what I like and don't like.

I think, perhaps, we think with the same brain... may I even go so far as to say perhaps we have a mutual interest in this portfolio of yours?

Do you think we should arrange a sit down and perhaps pin point some glossy's to donate to our local fetish museum?

You are back bone, indeed.

8:45 PM  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

H. It's really kind of sexy when you say it like that.

8:45 PM  
Blogger Faerie said...

hey emma.

11:45 AM  
Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

You guys suck.

12:32 PM  
Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

(that's a request, not an observance)

12:33 PM  

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